Get It Together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe


Get It Together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe

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Can politics get in the way of the personal? What if the majority of radical activists seek to transform the nation in order to transform their own lives?

Jesse Watters was astonished to learn two things when he went out to interview a few dozen radical radicals to learn the origins of their crazy ideas:

He liked these individuals, first of all.

Secondly, they did not derive their political opinions mainly from literature, educators, or other activists. They started off as private tragedies. For the most part, these folks didn't require laws. They required a counsellor.

The top-ranked New York Times bestselling book and primetime Fox News anchor tackles Wokeism in a way that has never been seen before in Get It Together. Through a series of intimate interviews—at times exceedingly so—with some of the most progressive activists around the nation, Watters finds that these activists might be ignoring the most crucial shift they have to make: an internal one.

From activists fighting for social justice, Black supremacist, and climate change salvation to a professional cuddler and a transwoman who identifies as a wolf, Watters demonstrates how many well-meaning Americans have fallen for causes created and managed by people who lack knowledge, reason, and empathy

Watters discovers recurring themes in their tales, including a lack of reflection, damaged relationships, and early traumas. What if those who believe the world is ending are merely hurting because of how this person has treated them? What if the underlying cause of the political division in our nation is that, not differences in ideology?

Get It Together is a hilarious, novel, and captivating film that will undoubtedly start meaningful discussions and encourage us to view one another as flawed, genuine people rather than as rival political parties.

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